Olga Orlova declassified her second pregnancy now : “Miracles happen!”

Sharaz Akhtar
2 min readSep 24, 2022


Flew away on vacation from where she shared the great news that soon she will become a mother for the second time.

“Don’t stop hoping; keep dreaming! Miracles happen if you believe in them! she felt.

Olga Orlova

Singer Olga Orlova, known for participating in the group “Brilliant,” told subscribers the good news — she is pregnant for the second time.

The artist posted a video with a rounded belly on her page and wrote that dreams could come true.

Judging by the frames, Olga has a decent term.

Olga Orlova added that she is now in absolute happiness, so she wants to share this feeling with the rest.

The 44-year-old host of the reality show “Dom-2” published a video on one of the social networks, which shows a rounded belly.

“Olya, what an event! Happy for you!”; “You are so Beautiful! And how she managed to hide! “God, this is a joy! Health to you!”; “Olechka, congratulations on your husband! Take care of each other!” — noted netizens.

Recall that Olga was married to businessman Alexander Karmanov.

In 2001, their son Artem was born. In September last year, the TV presenter became a wife for the second time.

The husband of a celebrity was an entrepreneur named Valery, who is 10 years older than her.

Valery leads a non-public lifestyle, so he rarely appears on celebrity social networks.

It is noteworthy that today the singer’s husband celebrates his birthday, and Orlova announced this news on an important day for their family.

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Sharaz Akhtar

A passionate Content writer Who Loves To observe and explore every fact before concluding publishing any update. Love to Explore New Sources and topic.